AML and KYC are specialized procedures that allow services to monitor customer activity and promptly identify suspicious and illegal transactions. This policy allows you to achieve a high level of security for services that work with financial transactions, thanks to an efficient protocol that tracks transactions and verifies the personal data of users for the overall security of the system.

The purpose of the AML/KYC policy is to ensure stability and security for users and the portal when making transactions with digital financial assets. According to this strategy, only those persons (private and legal) who have passed the verification of personal data receive access to the services of the portal. A multi-level and preliminary check helps prevent fraud and illegal financial activities, maintains the stable operation of the resource, and reduces the level of risks.

Thus, the reputation of each user on the service is preliminarily confirmed. The implementation of the AML / KYC policy allows you to create a secure digital space for working with cryptocurrencies.

What data does the user provide

To confirm personal data, the administration of the resource asks for a number of documents. Personal information of users is used only for security purposes, is not disclosed and is not transferred to third parties. An exception may be requests from law enforcement agencies, as well as a court decision in cases provided for by applicable law.

The list of documents that the administration of the resource can request from the client to confirm their identity:

  • an electronic copy of the spread of the international passport with a photo in good quality;
  • a spread of the internal passport with a photo;
  • a copy of a utility bill or a bank statement containing similar information (this type of document is valid for 6 months from the date of issue, and AML / KYC policy allows both a physical type of document and an electronic version);
  • driver"s license;
  • a copy of a bank card;
  • ID-card;
  • photo of the user with a bank card in hand;
  • a copy of a handwritten declaration for dealing with transactions for large amounts.

The administration of the resource accepts electronic copies of documents in good quality for verification. In the event that the text on the documents cannot be read due to the technical features of the copy, such as low quality, such a document cannot be considered a sufficient basis for confirming the identity of a new user.

User Identity Verification Procedure

Documents with noticeable corrections and retouching, as well as copies and documents containing deliberately incorrect data are not allowed. Documents of this type are not accepted by the administration for consideration, and the user"s request is automatically rejected. In the event of such a situation, the user will need to repeat the identification procedure, providing the correct data.

The repeated identification procedure means that you need to send the specified documents again. A similar procedure is also possible in case of an unintentional error on the part of the user (missing files, fuzzy images). In the event of a disputable situation, the administration of the resource shows loyalty in resolving disagreements and providing the user with access to all the functions of the service.

This procedure is aimed at identifying persons associated with money laundering or other actions that are fraudulent in nature.

AML/KYC policy is a set of measures aimed at prevention, prevention and detection of fraud and money laundering. To identify the identity of users, the administration requests documents that are issued by official government agencies. Such documents are necessary to increase the level of trust in the client, because government documentation is difficult to forge or correct in an illegal way. Thus, government documents become a reliable source of information about the user.

Verification of government documents does not allow the user to hide identity for criminal purposes. Also, information about persons who issued a bank card is stored in open tax databases.

Types of inspections to detect violations

A multi-stage AML / KYC verification also involves searching for user data in the EU “black list”. This list allows you to identify individuals who have been sanctioned in connection with violations and illegal actions. Persons who are on the "black list" of the EU are not allowed to work on the cryptocurrency exchange service. Verified users with a reliable reputation are the basis for the safe and stable operation of the resource.

The user will not be allowed to work with financial transactions if he provides knowingly false or incorrect information about himself. Hiding updated information is a reason for blocking a user and denying access to a personal account. In the event that the user is caught or suspected of fraud, money laundering or other suspicious illegal activity, the administration stops cooperation, and information about illegal actions is transferred to law enforcement agencies. The offender receives punishment for illegal actions in accordance with the law.

In addition to preliminary checks, resource specialists monitor user actions in order to prevent violations, illegal activities and eliminate risks. Particular attention is paid to non-standard transactions. In the event that a financial transaction is suspicious, the resource administration has the right to stop transactions in order to carry out an unscheduled check. In this case, verification activities are carried out in accordance with FATF international standards.

In addition, the resource saves information about completed financial transactions in the archive. If suspicious activity is detected, law enforcement officers can access the history of users" financial activities in order to identify intruders. Representatives of the authorities can get access to the archives after the relevant decision, which is issued by the court.

In what cases the administration has the right to refuse the user to provide the services of the resource

The resource administration reserves the right to carry out unscheduled inspections and apply international approaches. The verification procedure involves risk analysis. It also checks the history of the actions of the user whose transactions aroused the suspicions of the administration. In case of suspicion, dubious financial transactions are instantly blocked until all circumstances are clarified. Electronic assets are also frozen until the verification is completed. The reason for freezing accounts may be the suspicion of the user"s involvement in criminal and terrorist operations, as well as money laundering.

The administration of the resource does not allow users who were once convicted of crimes or offenses in the financial and economic spheres to financial transactions. Users of the resource also provide information about the source of funds that come to the site. If the fact of illegal money circulation is confirmed, cooperation with the client is terminated.

In the event that during registration and identification of a person it turns out that the user is trying to impersonate another person, the client"s account is subject to deletion. The administration notifies representatives of law enforcement agencies about such an offense. If the fact of money laundering, fraud or other illegal actions is revealed, the administration of the resource transfers the personal and contact data of the user to law enforcement agencies.

Lack of information about the source of funds, as well as an attempt by the user to mislead the administration of the resource by providing incorrect data, is a reason for suspicion of illegal activity.

In order to combat new methods of criminal activity, the administration improves the security level of the resource by updating electronic security systems. This approach increases the security level of transactions and other operations with financial resources for all users of the portal, and prevents the laundering of digital currency.

Contribution to the fight against terrorism, money laundering and crime

Regular due diligence means dealing with a lot of user data and other information. It is possible to identify intruders as soon as possible thanks to cooperation with European and American resources, where databases are presented and previously identified violators are indicated. Government reports also become a source of information. The administration of the resource uses international lists of sanctions in its work. Also, the administration can at any time request the user to provide additional information for verification. In addition, completed financial transactions are also subject to verification. This set of measures allows you to maintain the level of security of using the resource at a high level.

If a violation is detected, the user is notified accordingly. In the event that the violation is minor, the user is given time to update the data. If the user refuses to provide correct information, the violation is significant, then the digital account and account are blocked for further verification.

In the event that the user has difficulties updating the information, the resource specialists will help on all issues related to the operation of the resource.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment schemes make it possible to make the resource safe for all users, which involves permanent monitoring of transactions and updating clients" personal data. The risk assessment scheme is developed and adopted in accordance with international requirements and experience, and the main task is to combat terrorism, money laundering and crime.

The scheme allows you to correctly assess the possible risks. The practical application of the rice assessment scheme allows the selection of commensurate measures aimed at identifying, assessing, preventing risks, as well as mitigating negative consequences. The scheme focuses on priority (the higher the risk, the more attention is paid to it).

User Obligations

For the safe use of the resource, customers undertake to comply with the following conditions:

  • must not be a high-ranking official or a person with political influence;
  • should not have direct relatives and cohabitants who have influence on political processes;
  • should not be the owner of the company, the owner of securities;
  • must not represent third parties or groups of businessmen;
  • should not be related to cybercrime, terrorist organizations, scammers;
  • must conduct business on their own behalf;
  • must necessarily use the resource to conduct legitimate activities;

Registration on the portal means acceptance of the AML / KYC policy, as well as the rules and regulations of the resource, which allow you to ensure the fight against money laundering, terrorism and economic crime. By registering on the site, the user agrees to the requirement to provide correct personal data and goes through the identification procedure.